Picture Sequences

Picture Sequence 5
Picture Sequence 4
Picture Sequence 3
Picture Sequence 2
Picture Sequence 1

30/100 Marks


The Picture Sequence section of the German oral exam is worth 30 marks out of a total of 100 and is relatively easy to prepare for if you put in the time! 5 picture cards are to be studied in the run up to the exam, one of which will be chosen at random on the day. The examiner will ask you to narrate the story depicted on the picture card before asking you a series of follow-up questions.

It is important to remember to narrate the picture sequence with the emphasis on the actions and story linkage, not on unnecessary descriptive detail, and to keep the narration within the required length (10 – 15 sentences). Keep the language simple to avoid messing up a complicated sentence and losing marks.


The Picture Sequence part of the exam can be broken down as follows:

1) Uninterrupted narration of picture sequence – the actions in simple German – in only 10-15 sentences!

            – Erzählen Sie mir kurz, was in der Geschichte passiert.

10 marks

2) (a) Future Projection: likely future action of story

            – Wie geht die Geschichte weiter?

    (b) Explanation of some aspect not clearly dealt with in the narration.

10 marks

3) Opinion on a wider related issue.

10 marks


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