2014 Leseverständnis I

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Open List of Vocabulary for this Text

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sich verabschiedento say goodbyeverb
in der Tasche habento have sth. in the bagphrase
handfeststout, sturdyadjective
der Gärtnergardenernoun
die Ausbildungapprenticeship, trainingnoun
der Landschaftsarchitektlandscapernoun
sich holento (go and) getverb
die Lehrstelleapprenticeship positionnoun
überpünktlichoverly punctualadjective
tippento tap, to typeverb
das Papierpapernoun
die Bewerbungapplicationnoun
schluckento swallowverb
aufmachento openverb
der Schrankcabinetnoun
der Mitbewerbercompetitornoun
zeigen aufto point atverb
die Schubladedrawernoun
vollgepacktpacked full ofadjective
zuschiebento push closed, to shutverb
anstarrento stare atverb
unterbrechento interruptverb
das Vorwissenprevious knowledgenoun
betonento emphasiseverb
vor allemparticularlyadverb
wachsento growverb
der Schlucksip, gulpnoun
schüttelnto shakeverb
zurückhaltento hold backverb
das Holzwoodnoun
die Wandwallnoun
hinstellento placeverb
aufschlagento (pop) openverb
duzento address with "du"verb
nickento nodverb
sich vorbeugento lean forwardverb
die Ausbildungsstelletraining spotnoun
aufziehento pull openverb
der Prospektbrochurenoun
pflegento care forverb
bauento buildverb
erschaffento createverb
lächelnto smileverb
immer nochstilladverb
rufento shoutverb
hauento whackverb
die Faustfistnoun
nennento nameverb
der Zeigefingerindex fingernoun
hin und herback and forthphrase
das Potenzialpotentialnoun
nutzento useverb
die Kindheitchildhoodnoun
bestehen aufto insist onverb
überfliegento skimverb
der Frühlingspringnoun
besuchento visitverb
herausfindento find outverb


Answer Tips

(8 marks: 4 x 2 marks)      Any 4 of the following:

1) Er ist (seit heute) allein.

2) Er hat einen Vater / sein Vater lebt noch.

3) Sein bester Freund ist / heißt Benjamin.

4) Er hat sein Abitur.

5) Er will nicht studieren / will zu Hause bleiben.

6) Er möchte Gärtner werden / eine Lehre als Gärtner machen.

7) Er will die Lehre nicht bei seinem Vater machen.

8) Er ist kein Planer.




Answer Tips

(6 marks: 3 x 2 marks)      Any 3 of the following:

1)  Wann: am Montag

2) Wo: im Büro von (der Gärtnerei) Lohmeyers Landleute 

3) Mit wem: mit Herrn Lohmeyer


Answer Tips

(4 marks: 2 x 2 marks)      Any 2 of the following:

1) Er hat das Abitur gemacht.

2) Er weiß schon einiges. / Er bringt einiges an Vorwissen mit.

3) Sein Vater hat ihm viel beigebracht. / Er hat viel von seinem Vater gelernt. / Sein Vater ist Landschaftsarchitekt


Answer Tips

(4 marks: 2 x 2 marks)      Any 2 of the following:

1) Es gibt eine weiße Lampe / kaltes Licht / kaltes Licht von einer weißen Lampe.

2) Im Büro ist / steht ein Metallschrank (mit Schubladen).

3) Eine Schublade ist voll mit Papieren

4) Es gibt einen Plastikstuhl (im Büro).

5) Es gibt einen Schreibtisch (im Büro).


Answer Tips

(4 marks: 4 x 1 mark)      Any 4 of the following:

1) Mr Lohmeyer comments/ complains that his application is too/ over punctual.// Mr L. states
that Paul’s application.

2) Paul does not understand what he means by this. / He looks at him curiously.
was surely for the following year.

3) Mr L. states that the application is much too late (for this year).

4) Mr L. (opens a filing cabinet and) points at a drawer tightly packed with application papers.

5) Mr L. points out that the very first application arrived in November.

6) He doesn’t listen to Paul’s explanation.

7) Mr L. closes drawer with a bang.

8) He stares at Paul (across his desk).

9) He interrupts him abruptly (saying: “But … what?”).


Answer Tips

(4 marks: 2 x 2 marks)      Any 2 of the following:

1) When Paul is about to mention his father the interviewer interrupts him sharply.

2) Mr Lohmeyer finishes off a statement / statements Paul makes.

3) He seems to assume that Paul is going to exploit / mention his father’s reputation.

4) Mr L. is aggressive.

5) He talks about Paul’s father in a condescending manner: “the almighty / omnipotent father
who makes plants grow.”

6) Paul says Mr L. is jealous / envious of his father.

7) Mr L. shakes his head.

8) Paul gets up / walks out (and Mr L. does not stop him).


Answer Tips

(8 marks: 4 x 2 marks)      Any 4 of the following:

1) His name is Bruno Hönekop.

2) He is chubby.

3) He is friendly / asks Paul if they could be on first-name terms/ use ‘du’ form.

4) He is bearded.

5) He gives Paul coffee.

6) He is a friend of Paul’s father (but doesn’t have much contact anymore).

7) He is not jealous of anything.

8) He studied landscape design  / with Paul’s father / (at the University) in Wiesbaden.

9) He treats Paul’s application with care / respect.


Answer Tips

(6 marks: 3 x 2 marks)      Any 3 of the following:

1) He should not become a simple gardener / He is more than just a (plain) gardener.

2) He should design / create gardens.

3) He should not waste two years on apprenticeship.

4) He tells / warns Paul that “Time is precious”.

5) he tells him to use his talent / potential.

6) He advises him to / Paul should go to England / Sissinghurst (1)  / Potsdam / (visit the
gardens of) Sanssouci (1).

7) He should (study the gardens and) learn from the masters.

8) (Paul should take his time and) find out what he really wants.


Answer Tips

(16 marks: 6 + 6 + 4 marks)      Any 3 of the following:


NB: General statements not sufficient: you must give an example of what you mean and must have contrast.

1) Office: (cold light v. dark wood and nice pictures of gardens)

2) Paul’s perception of interviewers as people: (aggressive v. friendly)

3) Interviewers’ attitude to father: (envious v. friend)

4) Coffee: (none offered v. coffee given)

5) Start of interview: (business-like v. very friendly with coffee and pictures on wall)

6) Progress of Interview: (gets more negative v. more positive comments)

7) End of interview: (gets up and leaves v. listens to advice)

8) Treatment of application: (dismissive / rejects it as too late or early v. respect / rejects it as he believes in Paul’s potential as a designer)

9) Advice: (None v. lots)


NB: You must translate and/or explain language items used.

1) “Sie” v. “du” / First name terms

2) aggressiv v. freundlich

3) neidisch – neidisch auf nichts


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