2013 Leseverständnis I

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2013 LC Higher Reading Comprehension I

2013 LC Higher Reading Comprehension I

Answer Tips

(6 marks: 3 x 2 marks)        Any 3 of the following:

1) Sie hatte ein hartes/ schreckliches Jahr hinter sich// hat wie eine Verrückte gearbeitet // hatte vergessen zu leben.

2) Vor Weihnachten war sie total müde/leer/ausgebrannt/zerschlagen// so müde, dass sie die Post nicht öffnete// den Anrufbeantworter nicht abhörte.

3) Hat viel verdient.

4) Sie hatte kaum Zeit für ihre Freunde/ Sie sah ihre Freunde selten.

5) Letztes Jahr hat sie keinen Urlaub genommen/ hat sie keine Ferien gemacht/ hat das ganze Jahr hindurchgearbeitet.

6) Hat 16 Stunden am Tag gearbeitet.

7) Hatte in Berlin studiert.

8) Sie wohnt(e) in Berlin.

9) Sie arbeitet(e) bei einer Zeitung.

2013 LCHigher Reading Comprehension I

Answer Tips

(2 marks: 2 x 1 mark)        Any 2 of the following (present tense is OK):

1) Sie aβ (irgendwo unterwegs) im Stehen.

2) Sie aβ Currywurst, Hamburger oder eine Pizza. (Any two)

3) Manchmal/ an vielen Tagen aβ sie gar nichts.

2013 LC Higher Reading Comprehension I

Answer Tips

(8 marks: 4 x 2 marks)        Any 4 of the following:

1) Er hat(te) in Berlin studiert.

2) Er hat(te) die Erzählerin / Elisabeth / Betty während des Studiums kennengelernt.

3) Er war früher mit der Erzählerin zusammen // Die Erzählerin war (früher) seine Freundin.

4) Er ist der Einzige, der sie Betty nennt.

5) Er wohnt(e) in Italien/ in Lugano.

6) Er arbeitet(e) in Lugano // bei einem Architekten.

7) Es geht/ ging ihm gut.

8) Er verdient(e) gut.

9) Er hat(te) Familie in Berlin. / Seine Mutter wohnt(e) in Berlin.

2013 LC Higher Reading Comprehension I

Answer Tips

(2 marks: 1 + 1 mark) 

Wann: über Weihnachten// am 24.12.

Wie: Sie fliegt bis nach Mailand und fährt mit dem Zug nach Lugano.

2013 LC Higher Reading Comprehension I

Answer Tips

(12 marks: 4 x 3 marks)        Any 4 of the following:

1) She had worked a lot/ like a mad woman.

2) (Before Christmas) she felt totally tired / empty / burned out / wrecked.

3) It was a terrible year for her.

4) She had earned a lot of money.

5) It felt as if she had forgotten to live.

6) She had rarely seen her friends.

7) She had not taken a holiday all year // had worked all year.

8) She had taken meals anywhere// standing // always eating fast food.

9) On many days she had not eaten at all.

10) On many days she had gone straight to bed after work (without opening her post and checking her answering machine).

11) Some days she had worked for 16 hours.

2013 LC Higher Reading Comprehension I

Answer Tips

(4 marks: 4 x 1 mark)        Any 4 of the following:

1) They know each other from their time as university students (in Berlin).

2) Whenever the narrator met/ meets Franz’ mother they talk(ed) about him.

3) The narrator feels that Franz’ mother would have liked if her son and herself had stayed together.// Suggested that they were lovers once.

4) Franz calls her Betty. He is the only person who does so.

5) Immediately, he picks up on her not feeling her best. / He reckons the way she says ‘oh, Franz’ does not sound so good.

6) He invites her// she accepts his invitation to Lugano (over Christmas).

7) She knows what he likes// knows he likes English mustard// buys him a present.

Answer Tips

(10 marks: 4 + 4 + 2 marks)        Any 3 of the following:

1) A toy pig.

2) Looked almost human.

3) It is (nearly) life-size// She needs both hands to carry it.

4) Light pink (fur fabric).

5) It has a big head.

6) It has a slightly opened snout/ mouth.

7) It has big/ (sky-)blue/ glass eyes.

8) Its eyes look trusting / good-natured / curious.

9) Its eyes seem to say: “What’s all that stress about? //Take it as it comes.”

Answer Tips

(6 marks: 2 x 3 marks)        Any 2 of the following:

1) The shop assistant wants to stroke the toy pig one more time.

2) She runs her hand in between the pig’s soft ears/ pets it.

3) Forget their cares / stress (when they see Erika).

4) One old lady says: “My God, how lovely, the child will be absolutely delighted.”

5) Drivers grin/ smile across at the narrator and Erika (sitting at the back of their taxi).

6) Children wave at them (from their backseats).

7) People can’t help smiling // people’s faces light up.

8) People’s moods lift// The atmosphere brightens.


Answer Tips

(10 marks: 4 + 4 + 2 marks)        Any 3 of the following:


1) Franz’ invitation to Lugano enables her to take a break from her stressful routine. // She ceases to complain about her stressful life after the phone-call.

2) The toy pig’s expression (Erika) suggests she put an end to stress// she take(s) it easy.

3) The reactions of others to Erika affect her positively.// lighten her mood/ de-stress her.

4) She says that Erika has changed her life in only a few hours.

5) She had hardly seen her friends all year, but now she began to engage with people again.

6) She felt better again.

7) She changes her mind about Franz // takes control of her life / makes decisions.

8) Erika brings happiness into her life.

9) Before Christmas she was unhappy (must give an example) but she wishes herself a Happy Christmas at the end.

10) At the beginning she did not go anywhere except to work – she was in her apartment all the time. At the end she is out and about and travelling.


(Language Use)

1) Use of words (adjectives/verbs) with negative connotations at the beginning: (müde/ leer/ ausgebrannt/ zerschlagen). Words with positive connotations when she discovers Erika: (streicheln, lächeln, herübergrinsen, hupen, zuwinken, vertrauensvoll/ gutmütig/ neugierig/ besser/ froh). (At least one example of both needed for marks)

2) Use of personal pronouns and the name Erika. The use of “ich / (zu) mir” changes into “Erika und ich” (repeated twice) and culminates into “wir / (zu) uns”.

3) Repetition of the same phrase three times (“Ich wollte nicht … Ich wollte nicht … Ich wollte nicht …) showing the narrator’s rejection of her old life.

4) ‘Hilfe’ (l. 19) versus ‘Frohe Weihnachten’ (l. 92) at the end.



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